vendredi 10 octobre 2008


Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,

Nous venons de recevoir la confirmation que Denis Coderre a infiltré le Mouvement Montréalais pour la vérité sur le 11 septembre pour y faire enlever les deux entrevues anglaise et française que j'avais accordées.

Les membres infiltrés sont Jean-Philippe Burns, un peureux, et Jacques Marcille, un avocat déchu. Leurs courriels ci-joints démontrent qu'ils sont entrés en contact avec Coderre.

Au lieu de me poursuivre, Coderre a choisi d'infiltrer le Mouvement dû au fait que mes entrevues l'embarrassait, mais si celles-ci avaient vraiment été diffamatoires, comme il le prétend, il aurait dû me poursuivre!

Je vous demanderais de faire circuler ces courriels et cette nouvelle car cette dernière attaque de Coderre est le plus grand affront à la liberté d'expression. Voilà qu'il s'en prend au net!

Merci de votre collaboration,

Marie-Claude Montpetit

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Pengue (mtl911truth)
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 6:59 PM
Subject: Jacques email and my reply,Simon coming on board,great news

In an email I sent to the group this morng I told them:

Reading what Jacques wrote earlier (see below) implies enough for me about where Jacques is coming from. I 'm willing to collaborate as two seperate groups which I think could really work but with Jacques in the picture I certainly can not. Knowing what I know about Coderre I do not like where this could lead.

J. Marcille:

I also took the occasion that was offered to me to make sure that society in general and Coderre in particular knows that the ordinary members of Mtl911Truth had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign to attack him, thus using your website to protect every member of the group that had been excluded from the decision to attack his reputation on your website.

Check out the below email from Simon. I just recd it after your call. This is really great news
for me because it's a clear message that he's on my side with Pat. This past winter it was Simon who spent some three months of his own time to work on the video for my
research on the STM's suspicious contract with that Mossad/CIA connected firm named
Verint Systems (formerly known as Comverse Infosystems).

Coincidentally it was practically right after we released this film that people came to us
wanting to help out Wow, this is really postive stuff. Especially cause with Pat far away at school I could count on Simon to work on some simple and fancy technical stuff like posting tomrws Couillard 's book signing on the website.

I know you don't like hearing from me again about your book but I can't stop thinking
about it. With Simon on board I feel so energetic that I didn't go take my nap.

Marie-Claude, due to my edginess in financing your book having affected your decision in not accepting my help, once the money runs out with this publisher, would you consider in accepting my money if I give a forgiven loan to Pat and make it appear that he's the originator of the funds? There must be away around this obstacle. Of course I'd have to ask Pat about it.

Can't wait to put Couillard on camera tomorrow. If Pat can't join me hopefully you could. Lise
doesn't want to do it with me but I understand her.

Lise will be helping you out with groceries this week. I'm offering too if you'll ever need some assistance.




Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 01:00:00 -0400
From: Jacques Marcille
Subject: Re: I will STAY with Michael

Not all evidence can be made public about someone, for instance on your personal website where all can see it, even if true. When attacking someone, you use only what can be made public. That is what the lawyer determines: This you can use, that you can't. You make public what is true and CAN be made public. You ask people to come to their own conclusions only about those facts. You can also reveal your own conclusions, but based upon what has been publicized. Not based upon what cannot be revealed. The situation has been controlled.

My suspicion about Coderre is not only that some of the evidence against him is false, but that much of it cannot be made public even if true, for a variety of reasons. And that is why it has not been made public at the present time. Making accusations that disparage a person' reputation without proof is defamatory. And this is what has been done to Coderre, and to myself, on the Mtl911Truth website. I know the accusations made against me by "Pierre" are false, all of them. Will I sue you? Not unless you force me to. Sue me, then I will countersue, for sure, and throw the book at you. Otherwise, my method is to use ridicule. And to jump on any occasion to put my message across.

For instance, in responding to "Pierre's" defamation of myself, I challenged him to reveal his identity, I attacked his lack of courage. I also took the occasion that was offered to me to make sure that society in general and Coderre in particular knows that the ordinary members of Mtl911Truth had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign to attack him, thus using your website to protect every member of the group that had been excluded from the decision to attack his reputation on your website. Now if Coderre has enough evidence to sue, and wants to do so, he knows he must restrict himself to only a few people. If he feels too weak to sue, he won't. But the ordinary group members will not have to worry any more. And can finally get on and do useful work, outside of Mtl911Truth.


Montreal 911 TRUTH wrote:

Jacques I find it some what odd and interesting seeing your reluctance to harshly critique Coderre.

Awhile back I learned (not from MCM) about his shady rise to power with the help
of some suspicious characters from my neck of the woods. If I get a chance I will write about in a future email.

I've been brainstorming some ideas about how to divide ourselves without doing much harm to one another cause afterall we all have much of the same goals but just different in approach. A 2nd website is obviously inevitable.

Hope to discuss this soon in person and not via email cause it wastes too much time.



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